How do I wash my plaid fabrics?
How do I wash plaids?
For winter evenings, plaid has become an essential accessory that can be used to cover up to watch a film, or to read a book or take a nap. Stored in a basket or placed on the sofa, it is always at hand to keep you warm when you need it. However, just like the sofa cushions, it can tend to get dirty with use, so a plaid wash is necessary from time to time! So how do you wash plaids? Discover our tips!
What is my plaid made of?
Before looking at plaid washing techniques, it is important to know what material your plaid is made of. Most often, we talk about fleece plaid blankets, which are both, soft and warm, perfect for this type of item. However, velvet, cotton and wool plaids are also available. It is therefore necessary to know the material used for the plaid in order to clean it.
In the vast majority of cases, it will be a fleece plaid and there are several types of fleece. For example, recycled fleece is a recycled material that is perfect for choosing an item that limits its impact on the environment and has the same advantages as classic fleece. There is also fleece wool, which has a polyester base (a synthetic material) and is known to be very warm. The microfibre fleece combines polyester, nylon and elastane, which can make the item even more insulating. Finally, there is also natural fleece, which can be made of sheep’s wool, making it warmer and more pleasant, but also more fragile.
Where should I wash my plaids?
Plaid can be washed in different ways. For the smaller items, a plaid can be washed at home as long as you have a washing machine. However, if you want to wash several plaids at the same time, or if you have a large item that would not fit in your machine, you can choose to go to a laundrette. Laundrette machines have a larger capacity and so you can wash your clothes in one go without worrying about whether your item will fit in the machine. It is also possible to use a dry cleaner, but this often involves a certain amount of expense which is only recommended when the plaid is made of a fragile material or is particularly expensive.
How do I wash a plaid?
For a quick and efficient plaid wash, it’s best to do it at home or in a laundrette. In most cases, it is recommended to read the instructions on the label of your item; but if you don’t know what the manufacturer recommends, you can always follow our recommendations. For a synthetic plaid item, choose a programme of medium duration between 30°C and 40°C to avoid overheating and to ensure that the plaid’s softness is not affected. If you know that your plaid is made of a natural material such as wool, then you should choose a wool cycle. Washing your plaid in a washing machine in this manner will allow you to clean your plaid gently and without damaging them too much.
For drying, it is often recommended to opt for air-drying to avoid damaging the plaid. We therefore opt for a nice sunny day for a quick drying outside or a well ventilated room for an indoor drying. You can then use your plaid again or put it away until the cold weather returns the next year.
How often is plaid washing recommended?
Washing plaid is necessary if you wish to benefit from a soft plaid that smells good. We therefore recommend washing it between 3 and 4 times a year, depending on how it will be used. Of course, people who suffer from allergies may opt for more frequent washing, as may those with pets, as pets seem to enjoy sitting on them (in this case, we advise you to find a dedicated rug for your pet). Washing plaid regularly at medium temperature will keep it clean without losing its softness. You can thus use it throughout the cooler seasons to cover up and stay warm when you sit on your sofa.
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