What kind of laundry can I wash in a Wash ME Laundrette?
You can wash all types of laundry at our Wash ME (clothes, household linen, duvets, cushions, etc.). Please note that you should follow the recommendations on the labels. Our laundrettes allow you to choose different temperatures depending on the sensitivity of your laundry. It is strictly forbidden to wash and dry your pet accessories.
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What wash temperatures are available on a Wash ME?
Wash ME Laundrettes offer you a choice of 3 different wash temperatures: delicate laundry, 40°C and 60°C. You have the option of adding pre-wash for heavily soiled laundry, fabric softener, disinfectant and disinfectant fabric softener.
Can my laundry be stolen if I am not present?
No need to worry, the door cannot be opened during the wash cycle. In addition, you can be notified free of charge by SMS (SMS alert option) a few minutes before the end of the wash cycle so that you can retrieve your laundry at your leisure.
How do I collect my laundry at the end of the cycle?
Once the washing is complete, a sound signal indicates that you can retrieve your laundry; simply turn the handle on the door and pull on it to access your laundry.