How do I find my nearest Wash ME laundrette?
To find your nearest Wash ME laundrette, please visit our dedicated page to view and select the Wash ME laundrette of your choice.
You may be interested in these questions
What is Wash ME?
Wash ME is a brand of the Photo-Me Group, a company founded in 1958 and now based near London. It is renowned for its expertise in the vending sector. Wash ME was launched in 2012. This outdoor laundrette service provides users with access to large capacity (up to 18kg) professional quality machines at attractive prices. Wash ME are outdoor kiosks accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, allowing you to access washing and drying services from 8 to 18 kg.
Where can I find a Wash ME laundrette?
Our network of Wash ME laundrettes is made up of 2,000 kiosks in France and 5,000 in Europe. Wash ME laundrettes are mainly located on the outskirts of large cities, near shopping centres and large retail outlets (Lidl, Carrefour, Super U…). Wash ME laundrettes are usually located outdoors in car parks for easy access. Find your nearest Wash ME here .
What are the opening hours of Wash ME laundrettes?
Our machines are accessible 24/7, except for those that may be subject to limited time slots corresponding to access to the car park/supermarket where they are installed. We request you to check the opening hours of the retail space associated with the Wash ME of your choice.